Diablo 4 players want Blizzard to nerf “absurd” crowd control effects

diablo 4 crowd controlBlizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 players frustrated by the game’s “absurd” crowd control attacks want Blizzard to nerf the effects.

Crowd control effects in the latest Diablo predominantly work to limit mobility, having the ability to stun, knockdown, or daze targets. Since such effects leave the target control impaired, they count among the game’s useful tools.

Players can use certain abilities, like chill attacks, to impair their foes. Of course, mobs can similarly cause significant harm to users. Spiders, for example, spit webs that wrap around the player character and leave them immobilized for several seconds at a time.

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While most would agree that enemies should utilize every advantage to challenge the players, some think Blizzard should better balance the crowd control mechanics.

Diablo 4 players are asking for a crowd control nerf

“I feel like half of mobs have an attack that take away control from the player,” reads the start of a Reddit post about the absurdity of Diablo 4’s control-impairing effects.

The player goes on to say they don’t mind the attacks in theory; the overall execution is the problem, particularly during encounters featuring dozens upon dozens of enemies on screen at once.

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One suggestion the Redditor mentions is that Blizzard should introduce a cooldown for Crowd Control. Lowering the chance of enemies launching Crowd Control attacks when too many mobs are on screen wouldn’t be a bad idea either, the user continued.

Comments in the thread suggest the original poster isn’t the only one frustrated. One person replied, “I agree that it has [an] excessive amount of [Crowd Control] and makes gameplay annoying. They should tone this down a bit.”

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Said someone else, “The very least they could do is add some kind of debuff indicator above your healthbar that shows a timer for how long you’re being [Crowd Controlled].”

“The cold CC lasts too long, and it feels like there’s WAY too much CC that blinds you,” another player added to the chorus.

There are those who aren’t in agreement, though, and argue that Diablo 4 players annoyed by Crowd Control should get better at dodging and moving around during a fight.

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Either way, balancing Crowd Control may be something developers consider as they continue to adjust the title’s finer points.