Blizzard vows to update Hardcore 100 Lilith statue with missing Diablo 4 players

diablo 4 patch notesBlizzard Entertainment

Blizzard has vowed to reevaluate and add names to the list of the first 1,000 people to reach level 100 on a Hardcore character in Diablo 4 after reports were made that eligible players somehow did not make the cut.

Blizzard launched an interesting promotion with Diablo 4 where the first 1000 players to reach level 100 on Hardcore mode would have their names etched into the state of Lilith, the primary antagonist of the game.

When June 22 came around the feat was already done and Blizzard’s blog published who made it onto the list, but people were quick to point out that they were absent from the list despite being eligible.

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The incident was even reported on by Asmongold who published a video about it to his YouTube channel and tweeted out a plea for Blizzard to look into the issue.

The official Diablo Twitter account responded the very next day, promising to look into the claims and presumably expand the list.

Players react to Blizzard addressing Hardcore 100 list controversy

Their full Tweet is written in character so the information is not straightforward, but a number of facts can be still easily inferred from it.

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“The Blessed Mother loves her Hardcore children. Hell’s forces are reviewing some of the forgotten souls whose achievements slipped through the cracks due to entry errors but still deserve celebrating. We will share an amended list with these additional heroes in the near future,” reads the official Tweet.

This means that Blizzard is looking into the issue and if the company deems so the 34 users will be added to the list. With the list now updated, it’s unclear whether some users were removed to get to the full 1000 with those who beat others to the top, or if the original list didn’t have 1000 users on it in the first place.

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That said, the response to this news has been overwhelmingly positive as this topic was hotly debated among the community. Many were especially grateful to Asmongold for reporting on the issue.

“Thanks to Asmongold and @Diablo for reviewing and listening, and many that liked posts retweeted, etc,” wrote one user.

While the updated list is probably a couple of days away from us as the organizers might need some time to review the evidence, those who were left off can finally breathe easy.

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