Asmongold gives his verdict on Diablo 4 from the beta: “It’s not changing my life”

Asmongold streaming on TwitchAsmongold

The Diablo 4 beta finally gave players the chance to delve into the new ARPG and popular Twitch Streamer, Asmongold, has given his early impressions of the latest game.

Asmongold has been busy playing through the Diablo 4 beta, delving into the game’s new content and mechanics. While the streamer’s journey through the demon-infested world of Diablo 4 has been far from smooth, the streamer was keen to highlight his overall impressions.

After all, many Diablo fans will be keen to know just how good the combat feels and whether the latest title does anything different from its predecessors. While the Diablo 4 beta has only been out for a few days, that hasn’t stopped Asmongold from powering through the latest content to provide his expertise.

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Asmongold gives first impressions of Diablo 4 beta

“I would rate Diablo 4, the beta experience an 8.5. I don’t really feel comfortable saying 9 and I don’t really feel comfortable saying 8 either, so I’m feeling somewhere around 8.5,” explained Asmongold.

“I don’t think it’s incredible, it’s not changing my life. It’s not innovative to the point where it completely reorients my thinking on the ARPG genre,” said the streamer. “However, it’s very good at doing what it does.”

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The streamer was also keen to highlight how good the Diablo 4 cinematics were. While they may not be the most visually stunning scenes, Asmongold was keen to highlight how he enjoyed seeing his main character as part of the story.

Timestamp of 4:50

Of course, many players will be keen to know just how good Diablo 4’s combat is when compared to other titles in the series. Well, fortunately, Asmongold addressed his views on this aspect of the game.

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“I am very happy about the combat, I think it’s fun and pretty enjoyable overall. However, I really didn’t enjoy a lot of the fights as melee, I felt like you’re fighting a mob and he’s standing inside of a pool you’re supposed to move out of, it’s just annoying and obnoxious to play against.”

Asmongold did note how his experience improved once he switched to a ranged character – an area he notes might be down to his preferred playstyle. All in all, it certainly seemed that the popular streamer enjoyed his time during the Diablo 4 beta, but Asmongold’s full impressions will likely be released once the full game is released later this year.

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