Once meta Destiny 2 Super needs buff as it’s now outclassed by other ultimates

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The Titan Arc super Thundercrash has become one of the worst Supers in Destiny 2, despite once being meta, and it’ll remain outclassed until Bungie introduces some buffs.

Thundercrash was the best boss DPS Super back during Season 13 due to the Exotic Cuirass of Falling Star. This powerful Exotic doubled the damage of Thundercrash, which proved extremely potent against bosses, ensuring Arc Titan was meta in its heyday.

However, that’s not true anymore. Thundercrash’s damage cone was previously nerfed, which means Arc Titans often miss their target entirely. Furthermore, while Thundercrash didn’t receive nerfs in The FInal Shape, other Super abilities have improved so much that it has been left behind.

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A screenshot from the game Destiny 2Bungie
Thundercrash deals subpar damage even with Cuirass of the Falling Star.

For comparison, the new Titan Super Twilight Arsenal in its base form deals similar damage to Thundercrash with the Exotic but has a shorter cooldown. This means there is no reason to use Thundercras apart from a few very specific encounters such as the Deep Stone Crypt’s Ataraks-1.

As for the other classes, the Warlock’s Needlestorm deals the same damage without an Exotic as Thundercrash does with Cuirass of Falling Star equipped. Similarly, Hunters using Golden Gun with Celestial Nighthawk deal comparable damage to Thundercrash, but this combination is massively enhanced when partnered with Still Hunt, which completely outclasses anything Titans can use.

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It isn’t just a damage problem either. Thundercrash is a risky Super where you throw your body at an enemy. In high-end content, you risk getting killed right after landing your ultimate. This means the damage output has to justify the risk of using Thundercrash, which is simply not the case right now.

Once you add the new class item Exotics into the mix with the Star Eater buffs, Hunters and Warlocks deal even more damage. This leaves Thundercrash in a spot where even keeping it equipped could see you kicked from an LFG team looking for a fast raid clear.

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This issue has been pointed out by the community as well with several of them expressing their frustrations on Reddit. One such frustrated Titan main claimed, “Bungie doesn’t care,” when discussing the issues with the Arc Titan Super, while another user chimed that “Titan, in general, is in desperate need of improvement,” highlighting the subclasses’ shortcomings.