Destiny 2’s upcoming Lost Sectors rework makes them worth farming again

A Lost Sector in Destiny 2's Dreaming City.

Destiny 2 developer Bungie has confirmed that Lost Sectors will be getting a glow-up in Season of the Wish, which will greatly improve their loot tables by introducing a series of Foundry weapons.

Lost Sectors were first introduced into Destiny 2 to add end-game activities for solo players. When completed they give various rewards including Enhancement Cores and Exotic Armor pieces.

For most Exotic armor Lost Sectors are the only way to acquire them, at least for the first roll. However, beyond that they aren’t usually worth farming and have been largely replaced by superior alternatives.

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Looking to change that Bungie is reworking Lost Sectors to have a massively improved loot table that could see them become relevant again.

Destiny 2 Lost Sectors will reward Foundry weapons in Season of the Wish

As confirmed in the TWID posted on November 16, Season 23 will see Lost Sector completions reward Foundry weapons.

Completing a Legend Lost Sector will provide a 70% chance of receiving a Foundry weapon while a Master completion will guarantee one. Furthermore, Foundry weapons acquired through Master Lost Sectors will roll with extra perks greatly increasing the odds of receiving a desirable roll.

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The initial selection of 16 Foundry weapons will cycle every four days, with four available each day. These are all the Foundry weapons players will be able to farm from Lost Sectors in Season of the Wish:

Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4
Marsilion-CGlissando-47Battle ScarCombined Action
Nox Perennial VIrukandjiHeliocentric QScCoronach-22
Old SterlingNasreddinHand in HandGeodetic HSm
Senuna SI6Psi Hermetic VLast ForayHarsh Language

This rotation will change in future seasons with new World loot pool weapons replacing older ones. What this means in practice is that for the first time in ages, Destiny 2 players have a reliable method to farm World loot weapons.

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This is in addition to Banshee’s Gunsmith focusing that is also coming in Season 23 which will offer many Foundry weapons not included on the Lost Sectors loot table.