Destiny 2 The Final Shape Requiem mission guide: Puzzles, boss & more

A screenshot from the Requiem mission in Destiny 2: The Final ShapeBungie

After pulling Ikora out from her deep meditative state and third-wheeling her bumpy reintroduction to Cayde, it’s time to press on. Destiny 2‘s fourth campaign mission for The Final Shape tasks us with tracking down the last of our companions.

Zavala has been missing since he entered the Traveler alongside Ikora during the opening throes of the expansion. As such, his fate is unknown, though discovering Ikora alive in the previous mission does a lot to suggest that he’s fine.

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This mission has us taking on some significantly powerful enemies in chaotic environments, all on the way to a stunning and emotionally touching conclusion.

Here’s everything you need to know about being the Requiem mission in The Final Shape campaign.

Step One: Understanding the glyph mechanic

The first part of the Requiem mission is an introduction to the mechanic that defines it. Press forward from your initial starting area and head around to the left. You will encounter some Fallen enemies from the House of Salvation who are relatively easy to dispatch.

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The central focus of this staging area is a rocky area blocked by a facade of Darkness. Our task here is to remove it, which is done using glyphs (more on that in a minute). Shoot the Darkness Splinter to the right of the facade and then head to the large enclosed cave area to your right, as you look at the veil of Darkness.

More Fallen enemies will spawn, but the one you want to look out for is the Resonant Warder (it looks like a Heavy Shank). Take out the adds quickly and burn down the Warder with your Super and grenades.

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Once it dies, it will leave behind a Glyph that you need to take note of. Head back to the area where you are trying to remove the veil of Darkness and you will find it has changed. On the ground are four circles with different Glyphs. Stand in the one that matches the Glyph left behind by the Warder, and the Darkness will dissipate.

From there, investigate the Veiled Statue and listen to its immensely creepy weeping, then head through to the next area of the map.

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Step Two: Defeat the Omen of the Witness

After some linear pathing through to the next area, you will find yourself on an overlook. Stay up high and take out the initial adds before jumping down and heading towards the wall with the complicated circular light patterns on the wall.

After approaching, shoot the Darkness Splinter as you did in the first area and prepare for a three-wave fight. The main adds to deal with here are Grims and Attendants, but you’re fighting in a large space with a lot of cover, so take advantage of that.

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Again, a Heavy Shank-style Warder will spawn, and you need to take this out to get the Glyph required to unlock the entryway. Don’t use your Super here if you have it. Instead, the best play is a Linear Fusion like the Taipan, to take advantage of the large critical area offered by the Shank’s grille.

The reason for saving your big-hitting abilities is that the first boss of the level will spawn immediately after you kill the Warder. Known as the Omen of the Witness, it has access to several very high-damage Light and Dark powers. The best play here is to use Stasis abilities to hold him in place, then pop a super like Silence and Squall.

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From there, bring it down from range with a Scout Rifle like Hung Jury or another similar long-range weapon. Take note of the Glyph left behind by the Warder and then stand in the matching Darkness pool in front of the wall. Once you do, it will part and allow entry into the next zone.

Step Three: Dispel the Darkness and defeat the Tormentor

The third area is the most difficult by a wide margin. Follow the path through until you come to the rally point. Before you jump down, take out the many flying Grims in the room, who don’t pose much of a threat when you are up high.

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Head straight over to the exit on the opposite wall, then shoot the Splinter to start the fight. This fight consists of two Warders that need to be taken out before a Tormentor spawns. While facing away from the exit, head left and take out the adds, burn down the Warder quickly.

After you kill the Warder, Trip Lasers and mines will spawn everywhere in front of you, and it can become annoying and time-consuming to clear them while the adds are attacking. It’s a perfectly viable tactic to do this, but it’s better and more efficient to sprint away after killing the Warder (take note of the Glyph), then jump up to where you entered the room.

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From there, use a scout and explosive heavies to clear everything. You’re then going to want to head to the opposite end of the room to take out the other Warder. The situation here is much the same as before, so just take note of the Glyph and sprint away to get back up to the entrance area.

The big threat is the Tormentor, which spawns after you clear the two Warders. Again, the best place to fight it is from the elevated position where you came in.

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At the time of writing, there is a bug where the flag does not despawn. Despite it being blocked off by Darkness, you can stand close and rally again, allowing you to get your Super back.

If you pop the Tormentor’s shoulders with your gun and drop a double Super, it should be enough to clear it out. After that, stand in the two matching Glyph pools, and access to the next part of the level will be unlocked.

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Step Four: Help Zavala defend his homestead

After progressing through another of The Witness’ incisions, you will eventually come to a large, serene clearing with a farmhouse in the center. Behind the house stands Zavala. Approach him to begin the encounter.

Once again, this is a three-phase fight that tasks Guardians with taking on an enormous Brig known as the Pillar of Stillness. There aren’t any insane mechanics to be aware of, so essentially knocking off the first third of his health removes the Brig’s armor. Then it’s a case of burning it down using its vulnerability spot.

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The main areas of danger here are twofold. The first is that the Brig does a ton of damage, particularly in its final phase, and some attacks are enough to one-shout less resilient Guardians. The second issue is the Tenet of Stillness mini-boss that spawns at 66% and 33% health.

These enemies move quickly and use Strand attacks, so the absolute best thing to do is to keep as much distance as possible so you don’t get suspended. If you do get caught, the encounter usually ends in short order.

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Stasis is your friend here, so use as much crowd control as possible. Then, prioritize burning down the Tenets over the Pillar. The Pillar also has a lot of health, so reserve your highest damage output for the two phases after the armor drops off.

Use the house as cover from the Brig or use the arena to put some distance between the two. From there, it is a relatively simple, if time-consuming proposition, thanks to the Brig’s large health pool. Then you’re done! Reconvene with Zavala and enjoy your cutscenes before heading into the next mission – Ascent.

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Make sure to take a look at our full mission list for The Final Shape and if you need to change up your build, this list of new Exotics may help. If you’re yet to commit to buying the expansion or are thinking about upgrading, we’ve got a guide to each edition as well.