Destiny 2 players call for changes to “unrewarding” Strike playlist

destiny 2 strike playlistBungie

Destiny 2 players think the Strike playlist feels “unrewarding” and want Bungie to implement a series of changes.

The Strike playlist, also known as Vanguard Ops, consists of three-player PvE experiences that always end in boss fights. As has been the case for years, players who join the playlist get dropped into random Strike or Battleground activities.

But many Destiny faithful have grown exhausted with this formula over time, specifically calling out the content’s repetition.

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While there’s nothing to suggest change is on the horizon, players have shared how they’d like to see Bungie improve the Strike playlist.

Destiny 2 players slam the Strike playlist as “awful”

“The Strike playlist feels awful,” reads the title of a Reddit post that’s gaining plenty of traction. A Redditor named thunderkitow authored the post, noting their exhaustion with each season housing the “same pool of strikes.”

The player noted that their favorite Strike – Warden of Nothing – seldom appears in the normal playlist. Worst still, the user said they often launch a playlist, then repeatedly relaunch it because they usually end up in a Strike/Battleground they despise.

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“I used to love running strikes when I was bored, but the quality of this playlist has dropped so much that I just don’t want to play them anymore,” they finished.


Responses to the post indicate the Destiny 2 community agrees with this sentiment. One user in the thread labeled Destiny 2’s Strike playlist an “unrewarding” slog that barely rewards “engrams to focus.”

Meanwhile, others critiqued the playlist’s repetition. “I don’t mind battlegrounds or any particular strike, but I get very tired of repeating the same strike multiple times within a play session,” reads one such reply.

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And some fans believe the addition of Battlegrounds severely harmed the playlist’s momentum. “I’d rather they bring back sunsetted strikes, we lost a lot of them after all,” said another player when sharing their Battlegrounds-related frustrations.

To fix issues of redundancy, one user proposed a tracking system that ensures players don’t constantly repeat the same Strikes. Someone else noted that Bungie tried this years ago but shelved the features because of a bug.

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A different Redditor said a voting system for Strike options could do the trick. One reply to this idea joked that such a feature would likely arrive in the next 10 years or so.

For now, though, unless developers usher in major fixes, Destiny 2 players will have to manage with the Strike playlist as it currently stands.