Destiny 2 players stoked Bungie still hasn’t fixed game-breaking crafted weapons bug

Destiny 2 NightfallRiot Games

Destiny 2 players have been heaping praise on Bungie after deciding not to revert or rollback the game-breaking crafted weapons bug, letting players revel in the chaos for a little longer.

Bungie’s shooter Destiny 2 is by no means a flawless title. With just how large the game’s systems, story, and world are, it is only natural that bugs come creeping in from time to time. The devs are usually quick to address the more major issues that face the game, taking to Twitter to explain their plans for the particular mishap.

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However, a new bug involving perks on crafted weapons bucked the trend. The exploit enables players to add any perks to any weapon they see fit, which has made for some insanely broken combos right as Trials of Osiris rolled around.

Instead of fixing the issue, Bungie announced that they’d let the bug run its course, and allow players to mess around for the time being.

Destiny 2 players elated after devs announce slower fix on weapon exploit

The developers revealed two fixes that would be implemented into the game in the near future, after a weekend of chaotic fun, and no rollback would occur. Considering how large the bug is though Bungie explained it would take a bit of time before the work was completed.

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“This is a complex issue, and as a result of testing, our original timeline for a server-side fix has been extended. More information will be provided when we have updates,” a September 17 tweet explained.

Despite the slower fix timeline, players were more than happy to leave the game in a more chaotic state, praising Bungie’s transparency during the issue.

Many took it as an opportunity to suggest taking a break from the game, explaining that things would eventually return to normal once again.

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“Great opportunity for anyone who doesn’t want to partake in the shenanigans to take a break from the game. Great opportunity for anyone who wants to embrace the chaos to enjoy it whilst it lasts. Take your time and get the fix right,” a player graciously complimented.

“Sit back and enjoy the ride, everyone. You are living through Destiny history. People will talk about this weekend years down the road much like the 12-man raids and instant laser kills. Have fun!” another agreed.

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Players are still able to enjoy the action whilst Bungie works on a fix, however, this bug isn’t likely to stick around for long, so hop in and mess around while you have the chance.