Destiny 2 players pray upcoming dungeon doesn’t repeat GoTD’s biggest mistake

Ecthar, Sword of Oryx from Ghosts of the Deep dungeon trailer in Destiny 2.Bungie

With a new dungeon expected shortly, Destiny 2 players are praying that it doesn’t include the massive boss health pools that made Ghosts of the Deep a hassle to run.

Season 21 saw the arrival of a new dungeon, Ghosts of the Deep. Guardians quickly realized it was the hardest dungeon yet with the boss’s gigantic health pools being the main culprit.

While exact numbers are tricky to come by it’s believed that Ecthar – the dungeon’s first boss – and Simmumah – the final boss – both have around 8 million base health. That’s in addition to their 500k shield that needs to be broken at the start of every damage phase.

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That works out at around four times the base health of Shuro Chi, a literal raid boss in The Last Wish. These health pools have always upset players and now they are begging Bungie doesn’t repeat the same mistake.

Destiny 2 fans worried next dungeon will have huge boss health pools

Looking to raise the spirits of a downtrodden Destiny community, one Reddit post reminded players: “I know it’s pretty doom and gloom for Destiny right now but in a few weeks we get a new Dungeon and that’s pretty cool.”

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They clarified what they meant by this by linking back to Bungie’s initial announcement which promised “two dungeons released in Season 21 and 23,” signaling that a new dungeon is coming in Season of the Wish.

While Destiny 2 players were excited by the prospects of a new dungeon, many are worried its bosses will inherit Ghosts of the Deep’s massive boss health pools.

“…I am EXHAUSTED after a run of Ghosts, even with a competent and coordinated team. That amount of boss health was NOT the play, when you consider the sheer amount of set-up you need to do for both bosses. I hope the next one is balanced a little better,” one Guardian admitted.

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Others echoed a similar sentiment posting “This. The first encounter should not be 4 rotations. The walk to boss 1 should not take so long. Neither boss needs that much health…”

Mocking Ghosts of the Deep’s boss design, another Guardian commented: “Time for a 20 million health boss with a 1.5 million health shield that can only be broken within the damage window effectively with sustained fire from tommy’s matchbook”

Season of the Wish gets underway on November 28. If previous seasons are anything to go by the new dungeon should be added shortly after, potentially within just a few days of the new season starting.

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