Destiny 2 next-gen guide: new features, changes, crossplay, more


The next-gen version of Destiny 2 is finally available on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S and its brought along with it some new features, including a higher frame-rate, FOV slider, and more. Here’s everything you need to know.

While fans have obviously been able to play Destiny 2 via backward compatibility on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S since the launch of both consoles, the game hadn’t been able to take full advantage of everything the new hardware has to offer until December 8.

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Now, fans can go on their new consoles and download the fully optimized version of the game on the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. But what does the new version come with and when will Xbox players be able to play with PlayStation players? Here’s what you need to know.

Destiny 2 next-gen changes

Destiny 2 has a higher FPS and an FOV slider on next-gen consoles.

As previously announced by Bungie, Destiny 2 will take full advantage of the next-generation hardware with the ability to run the game at a higher frame rate, faster loading times, 120 hz refresh rate and more. Basically, the whole game’s gotten a boost.

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Beyond the aforementioned technical upgrades to the game, it also got a few new features thanks to the new hardware, which bring the game more in-line with the other versions of the title.

How to change your Field of View

One of the biggest features added to the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S is that of the Field-of-View slider on console, which is missing in the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the title. Finding the option is relatively simple and is found in the main settings.

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  1. While playing Destiny 2, open your Menu
  2. Tab over to the “Settings” menu
  3. Click the “Video”
  4. Select your desired Field-of-View

It’s worth pointing out that the Field-of-View only goes up to 105, just like the PC version, so if you were looking to make it higher than that, you’ll be sorely disappointed. Still, it’s a welcome addition.

Both the FOV slider and the ability to turn on 120hz refresh rate, can be found in the settings menu.

Faster FPS

Not only will Destiny 2 run at 60 FPS but the game’s Crucible mode, which is essentially standard PvP multiplayer, will run at 120 FPS, if you have a monitor or screen that supports it that is. Accessing this menu is as simple as the Field of View settings above. In fact, all you have to do is follow the same instructions as above but click on the “120hz” option, rather than the FOV option.

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Again, you MUST have a monitor that supports it in order to take advantage of this framerate, otherwise it will appear as 60 like in every other mode. Regardless, this is a huge improvement over the last-gen version, which ran at 30 FPS. It’s also worth pointing out that this 120 mode is NOT available on the Xbox Series S.


While Destiny 2 players will be able to enjoy cross-gen play; crossplay between consoles of different families will be launching in 2021. This means there’s currently no option to play with your Xbox friends on PlayStation, or visa-versa.

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While this is a bit disappointing to be sure, we only knew that the devs were looking into it up until this point, so the fact that we have a confirmation of its existence is nice.

How to download the next-gen version of Destiny 2

Downloading the next-gen version of the game is just like any other application. Simply go onto either the PlayStation Store or the Xbox store, search for Destiny 2 and select download.

For PlayStation players, it’s important that you’re downloading the correct version of the game. Like many other games right now, many are reporting that they don’t know how to access the PS5 version or that they are downloading the PS4 version of the game.

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On the Destiny 2 PS Store page or the PS5’s main menu, click the three dots next to the download version, select game version, and make sure that you have the PS5 version selected before you click download. No reason to have the old version take up all that space.

All in all, this is a pretty massive update and Destiny 2 playing on next-gen consoles will surely be excited about everything it has to offer. Keep it locked to Dexerto for more Destiny news as it comes out.

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