Destiny 2 Exotic weapon perk is misleading and players are asking for a change

The Huckleberry in Destiny 2

Players in Destiny 2 have asked for a perk on an Exotic weapon to be renamed as it’s currently being underestimated.

Exotic weapons in Destiny 2 are a main part of the game’s identity. Ever since Destiny 1, the hunt for these unique guns has been the backbone of the game. While not all of them are winners, they’re all unique and have their own flavor and identity.

This comes down to the Exotic perks on the guns which are unique to these weapons. These can be fairly straightforward, like Jade Rabbit’s which allows you to get body shots to then increase headshot damage. However, some are iconic, such as Gjallerhorn’s Wolfpack Rounds which create tracking projectiles on rocket impact.

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To round these, many have a more mundane perk too, ones which can be found on Legendary weapons. However, in one gun’s case, that’s not quite true.

The Huckleberry is an underrated primary Exotic SMG that can tear through red-bar enemies very quickly. The game says it has the Rampage perk, though as players are pointing out, that label is a bit misleading.

The Huckleberry is stronger than it’s listed in Destiny 2

In a Reddit thread, user Nukesnipe pointed out that the version of Rampage on the gun doesn’t tell the whole story. It’s actually better.

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The Rampage perk on Huckleberry in Destiny 2The rampage perk on Huckleberry is actually better than you think.

This is because, before Shadowkeep, Rampage was the most desirable weapon perk on primaries in the game. Before the expansion, Bungie rejigged how damage was calculated as well as nerfed Rampage. However, to keep Huckleberry feeling Exotic, they allowed it to maintain the old numbers. Rampage now gets 10% on each stack, whereas Huckleberry’s version gets 20%.

Because of this, players are now asking for this version of Rampage to see a new name to better highlight how great the gun is. As pointed out by one user, Monte Carlo’s Swashbuckler has a similar problem, with a stronger version of that perk built into the gun.

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It seems like a good idea for Bungie to signify that these are improved versions of these perks with a name change. Hopefully, the developer doesn’t decide to go the other way and bring these perks in line with their Legendary counterparts!