Destiny 2 disables private Crucible match rewards due to exploit concerns

Destiny 2 Crucible playersBungie

Bungie has disabled rewards from Destiny 2’s private Crucible matches after players used the discovery of a significant loot farm exploit to earn Legendary gear, Enhancement Prisms, and Red Border Weapons.

In a post on the official Bungie Help Twitter/X account, the Destiny developer confirmed that all rewards from Crucible private matches had been disabled for the time being. Initially, they stated this was to address an unspecified “issue,” though it has since come to light that this was targeted at a well-known item exploit.

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This exploit took advantage of the unintended relationship between Crucible matches and the new Pathfinder system. It was possible to complete Pathfinder objectives in Private Matches, which enabled a highly efficient loot farm. Utilizing specific Ghost mods, Guardians would earn rewards from the Pathfinder, by completing matches, and from Crucible vendor ranks.

This method was particularly effective thanks to the additional settings players can utilize in Private Matches. For example, the match duration can be made much shorter, and matches don’t even need multiple players to begin. This meant that many were entering games solo and letting the timer run down to earn a completion.

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The comments to the announcement were not positive with one player suggesting an alternative approach: “Literally all they had to do for a W was say, ‘We know about this, we are going to patch it…….on Monday. Have a great weekend, everyone’,” before admitting they were baffled at why some bugs get fixed immediately, and others stick around for months.

Another disgruntled user added, “Oh come on, you guys let us dig it one of these for a little while. What does it actually hurt? We’re not screwing over your Eververse door; we’re all still playing the game.”

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At the time of writing, Bungie has provided no further clarity on the issue. How they plan to patch the exploit is also unclear, with no confirmed timeframe for the reinstating of Private Match rewards, though it is assumed that they will return in some capacity.