Destiny 2 devs finally address PVP complaints with new content roadmap

Destiny 2 PVP introBungie

It’s no secret PVP has been more of a secondary focus for Destiny 2 of late, but Bungie has addressed the state of its competitive offerings, outlining new content on the way to keep things fresh for the most dedicated players.

At its core, Destiny 2 has a few distinct pillars. There’s the PVE side of the equation, with story missions, seasonal activities, Dungeons, and Raids aplenty. Then there’s the PVP side, with everything from casual modes to Iron Banner and Trials. We won’t mention the oft-overlooked PVPVE pillar for now.

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While recent expansions and seasonal launches have bolstered the PVE slate time and time again, PVP has remained somewhat stagnant in recent periods. Naturally, those who lean more toward the competitive side have had a fair bit to say.

Now addressing the state of PVP head-on in a colossal August 3 ‘Stage of the Game’ blog post, devs have explained why new offerings have been few and far between, while also setting the table for what’s to come down the road.

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Destiny 2 PVP gameplayBungie
Destiny 2’s PVP component hasn’t quite received the same love as PVE in recent years.

Bungie explains how new Destiny 2 PVP content comes with a major “tradeoff”

First up, Bungie acknowledged the vocal player base, assuring they’re aware of calls for “more maps, fewer cheaters, and an ever-evolving meta that feels good to compete in.”

As it’s been well over a year since the last PVP battleground arrived, albeit a re-skin of an earlier Destiny map at that, “the most frequent feedback is that there is just not enough new PVP content,” devs admitted. Explaining why new maps, in particular, are a big commitment, they then outlined why there’s been such a drought.

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“To set expectations, our studio structure is built to support more overarching updates to PvP like the ones above, rather than focusing exclusively on maps.

“When we do focus our resources on building new Crucible maps, it comes with the tradeoff of multiple teams’ bandwidth on work that contributes to a variety of experiences that players also hold dear, such as new story or Exotic mission content, core activities that make up the foundation of each Season, or new destinations.”

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Put simply, allocating devs to PVP content comes directly at the expense of PVE content, Bungie claimed.

New PVP content on the horizon for Destiny 2

Despite the resources required to get new PVP content out the door, Bungie assured there is indeed some new additions for avid players to look forward to, including, you guessed it, a new map.

Below is a condensed look at everything outlined for the future of Destiny 2’s PVP component:

  • Season 22:
    • New 6v6 map – Multiplex
    • New 6v6 mode – Relic
    • Checkmate modifier arriving for multiple PVP modes
    • Matchmaking improvements for Control & Iron Banner
  • Season 23:
    • New Iron Banner mode
    • New Häkke Aggressive Frame Strand Pulse Rifle
    • Re-release of The Citadel PVP map

So that’s what fans can expect on the PVP side as Destiny 2 gears up for The Final Shape next year. Rest assured, we’ll keep you posted here as any further details emerge in the coming weeks.

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