CSGO cracks down on griefing in July 21 update with harsher punishments


After trying to stop voice toxicity with reports, Valve is stepping up their game with CS:GO griefing on July 21. The latest update will more quickly ban players who get reported for trolling their teammates.

We’ve all played with one griefer in CS:GO before. No matter if they buy a Negev and run down mid every round aiming at the sky, or deliberately try to get you to team kill them so you get kicked, they’re inevitable.

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Sometimes you get them once in a blue moon, and then get a string of them in matchmaking. It’s infuriating, but all you can do is report them and move on.

csgo bug sensitivityValve via Team Envy
Have a teammate who is just throwing the game on purpose? Your reports will now mean more.

Now, those reports will actually mean something.

Valve is implementing a system similar to the one they did for toxicity to properly punish griefers in CS:GO matchmaking.

The July 21 update tweaked the reporting algorithm, meaning “players that receive unusually high amounts of griefing reports will get a warning, followed by escalating competitive cooldowns.”

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While it doesn’t amount to a VAC ban, it’s very similar to how toxicity bans work. Players get warned first, then if it escalates, Valve mutes them in competitive games for a set period.

However, players are concerned this system could be abused by four-stacks in matchmaking who mass report their teammates, leading to unfair bans.

That one game might not be enough to justify an “unusually high amount” of reports, but consistent griefing will ⁠— as long as players use the in-game report function to catch offenders.

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The CS:GO July 21 update also includes map changes for Pitstop and Mocha. You can find the full patch notes below.

CS:GO July 21 update notes

Dreams & Nightmares

  • Added a checkbox for workshop submissions to be entered into the Dreams & Nightmares Contest.


  • Players that receive unusually high amounts of griefing reports will get a warning, followed by escalating competitive cooldowns.



  • Patched hole in clipping on upper balcony.
  • Improved skybox and fog.
  • Fixed broken collision model on bombsite tent.
  • Removed pixel walk on outside box.
  • Added dev texture.


  • Several windows opened in B site to allow for grenade throws.
  • Wall from CT spawn into Middle raised to remove a boost.
  • Added a trash bin in front of T spawn to self jump up.
  • Foliage platform above the A site plant zone is no longer clipped.
  • Truck near B site is no longer clipped.
  • Geometry adjusted to fix an angle from T side into CT side of Middle.
  • Minor clipping and optimization improvements.
  • Fixed multiple bomb stuck spots.