CadiaN’s crazy comeback | Richard Lewis reacts

CadiaN CSGO ESL Pro League

After a monumental best of 5 at the ESL Pro League, Heroic takes home the crown. With fantastic performances all round, it was Casper ‘cadiaN’ Møller that truly stole the show.

Initially, Lewis slated Gambit as the likely gang to bring home the bacon, giving Heroic a 30% chance of snatching a win. However, CadiaN clutching the Series 3-2 was one of the most incredible clutches fans are likely to ever see: “I don’t think people really understand the gravity of what’s going on.”

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In the past, the star earned a reputation for making roster changes “behind people’s backs” and ended up disliked by many players who went in to represent the upper echelon of the tier.

At Rogue, Møller started taking his role of IGL incredibly seriously. Earning his first big call up in 2018 at North, he replaced future hall of famer MSL, though this lasted a mere 6 months.

Eventually heading up a two-week trial with Heroic, the org wasn’t initially set on him. During this time, though, they didn’t lose a single map, and they brought him in full-time.

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After this, the roster began to slowly creep up the rankings to become a top-tier team, but in late 2020 came the infamous coaching bug scandal with then-coach, Nicolai ‘HUNDEN’ Petersen, which caused their reputation to plummet.

Now, though, in 2021, the whole Heroic squad is on an equally matched playing field, and have clawed their way back up the tier. An epic moment for the whole roster after what was undoubtedly a tough route, the team are undoubtedly basking in their glory as they shape up to continue their reign going forward.

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