CS Icon pashaBiceps bikes 10 hours across Baltic Sea to watch CS2 Copenhagen Major

Pashabiceps/ PGL

Counter-Strike icon Jarosław ‘pashaBiceps’ Jarząbkowski is biking to another major, the CS2 Copenhagen Major, and instead of taking the ferry is biking across the Baltic Sea on a makeshift raft.

Former Counter-Strike pro pashaBiceps has taken to biking across Europe to attend the biggest CS tournaments. The Polish pro tracked across the country from Poland to France to watch the Paris Major in 2023 and is taking on the challenge again, traveling from Poland to Denmark for the CS2 Copenhagen Major.

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The former dominant CS player has taken to more athletic competition since his retirement, fighting in MMA events and taking on cross-country biking.

With his new adventure to Copenhagen, pashaBiceps needed to cross the Baltic Sea to make it to the island where the capital of Denmark resides. Instead of taking the ferry, the former pro said he would cross the body of water on a makeshift raft powered by his feet rather than “cheat.”

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The trek across the sea took about 10 hours for the experienced biker on his raft, dubbed POLA-ONE.

His journey is not finished, however, as pashaBiceps still needs to travel into the city tomorrow to complete the adventure. He will miss the first two matches of the playoff stage of the tournament, but the former major champion should be able to catch the rest of the tournament and its Grand Final match.

CS2 fans have found the former pro’s journey fascinating and have started making jokes about his journey across the Baltic Sea.

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Once the journey is complete pashaBiceps will have traveled about 1,000 Km in eight days to watch one of the biggest CS2 events of the year.