Game-breaking Counter-Strike 2 bug lets you keep weapons after dying

counter-strike 2 weapons bugValve

Counter-Strike 2 players discovered a game-breaking bug that allows them to keep equipped weapons after dying.

Valve surprised its CS:GO community earlier this week by unveiling Counter-Strike 2 and rolling out a limited beta test.

With plenty of people going hands-on with an unfinished build, gameplay and technical issues are bound to crop up. One “game-breaking glitch,” in particular, is already making the rounds.

While it hasn’t caused too many problems as of yet, it’s an issue that Valve will want to take a closer look at for balancing purposes.

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Player finds weapons bug in Counter-Strike 2 beta

During a recent live stream of Counter-Strike 2, content creator Eric “fl0m” Flom tested an exploit that allowed him to keep his equipped weapons upon dying.

After dying in a match, fl0m pressed the pickup button and quickly received a message saying, “You picked up a AK-47 | Redline.”

He even got to keep the AK after his team lost one round and headed into another. “That’s really game-breaking,” one of the streamer’s teammates can be heard saying in chat.

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It’s not currently known if the weapons bug is a widespread issue for Counter-Strike 2’s beta participants. But at least it’s something users were able to uncover during the testing phase, which kicked off on March 22.

The limited beta for Counter-Strike 2 is presently available to select users, dependent on factors such as a user’s Steam account standing and playtime on official Valve servers. In terms of content, the beta plays host to Deathmatch and Unranked Competitive modes.

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Valve plans on launching the full game sometime this summer, though a firm release date has not yet been set in stone.