Weird Counter-Strike 2 bug flashbangs player with seemingly harmless rocks

counter-strike 2 bugValve

Counter-Strike 2 is infected with a strange, game-breaking bug involving a rock and a frustrating flashbang effect.

Valve officially rolled out Counter-Strike 2 on September 27; it didn’t take long for the shooter to climb the Steam charts.

Most notably, the new entry introduces a host of fresh features, including the CS Rating player metric, a sub-tick system, an overhauled loadout system, and more.

It’s not all rainbows and sunshine, though. Since the game’s launch, players have encountered several issues such as server hiccups and game-breaking glitches. Now it seems another troublesome bug is wreaking havoc in the multiplayer FPS experience.

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Counter-Strike 2 player stumbles into bizarre flashing bug

Reddit user Bl0odwork recently shared a CS2 gameplay clip that ends in an offending flashbang effect. The only problem is no one throws a flashbang grenade in the player’s direction.

After walking along a cobblestone path, the user crouches and proceeds towards some rocks in the nearby grass. The Counter-Strike 2 player stops near one flat rock and is immediately hit with a flashing effect that disorients their character.

Before the haziness ends, their movement toward another rock several inches away triggers another flashbang-like assault. The Redditor noted that this exact same thing happened “multiple times” in one day.

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Whether or not this particular bug is widespread remains unknown, but other Counter-Strike 2 users have encountered it.

One person replied, “I’ve had similar things happen to me multiple times too.” They assumed it could relate to an AMD-specific glitch, yet the original poster says they game on an RTX 3070.

Meanwhile, someone else claimed it’s actually ping-related. “It’s just a ping problem, I had this happen when my ping went over 800.”

Whatever the case, other users are advising the original poster to report the “critical bug” to Valve. Here’s to hoping the matter’s resolved sooner rather than later.

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