The Legend of Korra made its debut in 2012, and continued the story of Nickelodeon’s wildly successful animation The Last Airbender. The tale follows the next Avatar after Aang.
Bringing the heroine to life, a talented cosplayer shared a true-to-life take on her waterbending abilities. The fan’s perfect portrayal of the protagonist will be sure to leave fans in awe.
Avatar cosplayer becomes the real life Korra
The Last Airbender sequel focuses on the era of Avatar Korra, who has to lead the world left to her by Aang. The animation ran from 2012 to 2014 for a total of four seasons.
Cosplayer ‘umineko_cosplay‘ transformed into the character on Instagram, and wowed with an accurate costume. Photographer ‘mirioroku‘ captured the artist as she mirrored the heroine’s pose from the show.
Umineko absolutely nailed Korra’s look, perfectly re-creating her brown Water Tribe hairstyle which includes two braids that frame her face, as well as her flowing bangs.
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In another shot taken by ‘yisasbc‘, the cosplayer creatively brought Korra’s waterbending to life using clever editing. In the series, the heroine uses water to heal, as well as soothe the spirits.
The artist also re-enacted the protagonist going into the Avatar State, putting her two fist together as she sits on the floor. Using special effects, the four elements of earth, water, air, and fire swirl around her as her eyes glow.
While The Legend of Korra focuses mainly on new characters, the show continues important storylines established in The Last Airbender. Fans even get to see adult versions of Aang, Katara, Sokka, Zuko, and Toph.
If you are an Avatar fan but have never seen the sequel, you are in luck. In August, streaming service Netflix added all four seasons to its platform, and you can watch it right now.