Avatar: The Last Airbender cosplayer catches fire as Princess Azula

Avatar: The Last Airbender AzulaNickelodeon / Instagram: @anika_milena

An Avatar: The Last Airbender cosplayer is catching fire on social media after posting some imposing pictures of her shooting red and blue flames as Princess Azula. 

Princess Azula is a constant thorn in the side for the main characters in Avatar. For most of the series, she is hellbent on catching Aang and eventually her brother, Zuko.

However, beneath her exterior as a talented fire-bending prodigy, she has deep-seated mental health issues that trace back to a difficult childhood. In time, her struggles shaped her into a sadistic, manipulative, and power-hungry person. 

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Still, despite her negative qualities and the fact she’s one of the main antagonists in the show, Princess Azula is a popular choice in the cosplay community. It’s probably because she’s such an interesting and complex character.

Nickelodeon / Netflix
The wicked fire-bender is one of the lead villains in A:TLA.

A talented cosplayer named Anika Erbe has started an inferno on social media after she transformed into a frighteningly accurate version of Princess Azula. “Well, what choice do I have? Trust is for fools!” she said, in reference to a quote. “Fear is the only reliable way. Even you fear me.”

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“The lovely @holetoanotheruniverse was so nice to edit this photo for me, and she did such a great job!” she added. “This will forever be one of my favorite cosplays. Original design by @hannah_alexander_artwork.

The costume designed and created by Hannah Alexander is a little different from the standard one. It is comprised of the same red, black, and gold armor and boots. However, the embroidery has more extravagance and elegance. Plus, Anika wears it well and brings it to life with her charm.

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Anika submitted another picture into a cosplay contest. It shows her bending flames in front of some incredible architecture. Unfortunately, she didn’t win. But she did manage to place in the top-ten, which is impressive.

“Here is the Azula picture I submitted for the cosplay contest,” she wrote. “I got seventh place with it. II originally wanted to go with the blue version, but the flames looked so unnatural that I decided against it. Which picture is your favorite?

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Not everyone likes Princess Azula as a character, which is understandable. However, there’s no denying that seeing her brought to life in such incredible detail is fantastic. It’s something that all fans of the show can appreciate.

Anika’s cosplay is still fresh on the scene. However, it has been universally praised and is racking up plenty of likes, and she deserves it.