Apex Legends cosplayer makes impressive Valkyrie heirloom replica

apex legends valkyrie heirloom cosplayRespawn Entertainment / Twitter: bonehead jen

An Apex Legends cosplayer has already made a replica of the high-flying recon Legend Valkyrie’s new ‘Suzaku’ spear heirloom, and the detail is incredible.

Apex Legends‘ mobile recon hero Valkyrie has proven to be quite controversial, despite her having the third-highest pick rate in the game as of Season 13.

As such, many players have adopted Valkryie as their mains in Apex Legends, even bringing that love outside of the game.

Now, one Apex Legends cosplayer and Valkyrie main has recreated the jetpack wearing Legend’s newly released heirloom–  and the attention to detail on the piece is really something else.

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Apex cosplayer recreates Valkyrie heirloom

Valkyrie's Heirloom in Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
Valkyrie’s heirloom was finally released as part of the Awakening Collection event that went live on June 21.

The cosplayer, who goes by the username ‘bonehead jen,’ showcased her replica of the Suzaku heirloom on the Apex Legends subreddit, posing in a Valkyrie helmet.

The replica spear comes equipped with two fins on either side, a grip-tape-wrapped handle, and even an embossed pattern on the blade.

The replica also features the appropriate color scheme of orange and silver, though it likely doesn’t articulate the way Suzaku does in-game.

Still, Jen’s craftsmanship on this prop is staggering, especially considering the Suzaku heirloom was only just released earlier this week through the Awakening Collection event.

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The replica impressed others, as well, with both the speed and quality of the build, like user ‘_Justraph_‘ who said, “That craftsmanship is superb, both on Suzaku and Viper’s Helmet.”

It’s an apt comment, considering Jen is wearing the same helmet used in her amazing cosplay of Valkyrie’s Legendary Birthright skin.

A different user commented “Where’s the bowl of ramen and the helmet with a bullet hole in it?” referencing the Suzaku heirloom’s special animation which shows Valkyrie scarfing down a bowl of ramen.

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Fans of other great Apex Legends cosplay can find plenty more amazing efforts out there. Some of our favorites include this incredible Royal Gaurd Bloodhound, as well as this spot-on Loba from streamer RosieRiots.