How old is Deadpool? Age in MCU & Marvel Comics explained

Deadpool 3Marvel

How old is Marvel’s Deadpool? The answer won’t surprise you because you already know Deadpool can’t be trusted to give a straight answer, even about something as simple as his age.

Deadpool is one of Marvel’s most popular characters, and his films are already rank as some of the best superhero movies ever made. He’s shown up in everything imaginable, from X-Men comics to Spider-Man cartoons.

Now he’s finally showing up in the MCU to fight Wolverine, to the delight of fans. but his place on the Marvel timeline has always been a little wonky. Deadpool has been around for a long time, but his healing factor and off-beat personality mean you can never really trust him.

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Deadpool has spent a lot of his publication history lying about his past, which makes it incredibly difficult to pin down certain details, not the least of which is his age. But with some context clues, we can probably come up with an approximation.

How old is Deadpool in the MCU and Fox Movies?

Ryan Reynolds himself is 47, so we may be able to assume Deadpool’s age is close to that in the films. However, the timeline is a little hard to parse. 

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in Deadpool 3Marvel Studios
Where Deadpool fits in on the Fox X-Men movie timeline is not an easy puzzle to solve.

The biggest wrinkle is in determining if the Deadpool films feature the same Wade Wilson from X-Men Origins: Wolverine. While this does seem unlikely, his healing factor means it could conceivably be the same character but with slowed aging. 

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Much like his comic counterpart, we don’t know enough about him to determine his exact age. Not to mention, Deadpool himself is the most unreliable narrator you could have. Being somewhere in his 40s is a fairly safe bet, but he could be younger – or significantly older. 

Deadpool’s age in Marvel Comics

Deadpool’s age in the comics has never really been revealed. We don’t actually know when Wade Wilson was born, largely because Wade himself isn’t sure. 

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Deadpool originally debuted with something akin to a multiple-choice backstory. For years, he believed he wasn’t even the real Wade Wilson, though that was eventually disproved. He also believed his parents were dead, but that was a false memory. 

Deadpool's death from Deadpool: The EndMarvel Comics
Even at the end of time, Deadpool doesn’t appear to have visibly aged.

This is compounded even further by his healing factor. While it’s generally assumed that he joined Weapon X sometime in the ‘70s, we don’t know how old he was when he joined or when he was born. His healing factor slows down his aging, much like Wolverine’s, so any guess based on length is moot. 

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While we don’t know his exact age, we do know he could live to be at least 800 years old. This is thanks to one interaction with the Deadpool of another world

Deadpool & Wolverine is in theaters starting July 26. Until then, you can read the prime suspects for Lady Deadpool’s actress or the joke inspired by a note from Kevin Feige. You can also read up on the best new movies on streaming this month or all the upcoming Disney+ releases.

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