SupercarBlondie & Sergi make perfect breakfast using just a Rolls-Royce

Supercar Blondie eats RR EggsYouTube: Supercar Blondie

In a slight deviation from the usual car review-style content, Supercar Blondie and co-star Sergi venture out into the culinary world for their August 25 video, showing viewers how to make perfect ‘Rolls-Royce eggs’.

Taking lead on this video, Sergi showed us how he cooks eggs using a Rolls-Royce to make the ‘perfect’ breakfast for Supercar Blondie and her furry friend.

Being in the desert in Dubai, the sun is incredibly hot throughout the day, meaning the paintwork of the car heats up quickly and stays hot until the sun goes down.

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Supercar Blondie Rolls Royce EggsYouTube: Supercar Blondie
Making eggs using a Rolls-Royce is actually a very technical process it seems

No cooker? No problem

The hood of this Rolls Royce became so hot in fact, that Sergi had to use oven gloves to open it safely. Having cracked the eggs into a makeshift foil ‘pan’ he then placed them upon the warm block of the Rolls-Royce’s V12 engine.

While the eggs cook, he utilized the extreme heat of the Dubai sun to make the accompanying toast for the meal, by simply placing a slice of bread onto the extremely hot black paintwork of the RR’s hood.

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You’d be forgiven for thinking this is some of the least-technical cooking ever seen on YouTube, but apparently there’s an art to making the perfect eggs with the engine of a Rolls-Royce. According to Sergi, it takes precisely 6.5 revs of the engine to cook them to Supercar Blondie’s liking.

As a testament to the extreme heat of the desert sun, in the mere few moments that it took for Sergi to rev the car 6.5 times, the toast on the hood had burnt completely on the side facing down.

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The eggs did in fact cook perfectly thanks to the heat of the engine and a precise 6.5 revs. You can see that the whites are completely cooked and the yolks look somewhat runny.

Despite the ruined toast, Sergi did try presenting the breakfast to Supercar Blondie, but it didn’t exactly go down well – evidently, it hadn’t been precisely 6.5 revs of cooking time. Sometimes it’s just easier to use a cooker or even a microwave, even though it is less exciting.

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