Warzone streamers combine forces to kill hacker & his minions

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Four Call of Duty: Warzone streamers had to put their minds and skills together to defeat a hacker in the Pacific. Making things even harder, the cheater happened to have a group of helpers giving them ammo.

Warzone hackers can do pretty much anything when they bypass bans and the anti-cheat. If their damage doesn’t get nerfed in-game, the Pacific’s cheaters are able to wreak havoc with aimbots, silent aim, and flying cars.

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With all that in mind, facing a Warzone hacker is typically a guaranteed loss. If the cheater happens to have friends giving them ammunition, the odds of defeating them get even worse.

So it’s no surprise that Reddit was absolutely stunned when a quartet of streamers managed to defy the odds and take down a hacker with a 52 K/D. Celebrating the human anti-cheat, someone made a montage of their herculean effort.

Warzone streamers kill hacker and his minions to win game

The video, edited and posted by ‘BrunoJohn117,’ shifts between the streamers’ POVs as they assess and proceed to deal with the hacker. 

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While cheaters typically dismantle teams before players have a chance to react, this wasn’t the ordinary team. Its_Iron is one of Warzone’s highest-ranked and winningest players, HusKerrs is one of the top-ranked and highest-earning pros, ReidBoyy is arguably the best console player in the world, and yeet is a grinder on the come up.

In the video, you can see them working through the process of identifying the hacker, locating them, and figuring out how to defeat them. Patiently, they gather information before making their move and ultimately defeating the hacker and his ammo-lending minions.

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You can hear the streamers notice the cheater early on, with yeet seeing his kill cam and remarking “we’re not beating this guy.” Iron wasn’t so pessimistic, though, saying they “just need to survive.”

Using yeet’s kill cams, the squad were able to figure out exactly where the hacker and their helpers were. Eventually, with the circle closing, they pounced on the opportunity, using stuns and teamwork to wipe the cheater out.

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After winning the game, HusKerrs capped it all off with an “oh my god, f**k that guy.” Reddit, too, got to share in the joy – with one user commenting “it’s so satisfying to see them clapping on him.”