Warzone players want Apex Legends-style change in Warzone 2 to counter stims

Warzone player in gas mask covered by gasActivision

With Warzone 2 on the horizon, some fans of the Call of Duty battle royale have voiced their concerns with stim gas plays still being a tactic in the new game. 

If you’ve gotten to the end game at any point in Warzone over the last three years, you’ve probably encountered – perhaps even used yourself – a stim inside the gas. 

While many players try and go for the throat, racking up kills on their way to victory, there are plenty who stick to the edge of the circle and play things slowly. These are the ones that you’ll typically find hiding inside the toxic gas, using stims until their enemy falls and they can claim victory themselves. 

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Even though it is a legitimate strategy, it is a controversial one too as changes have been made to the medical equipment over time. While some fans wanted stims to be removed for Warzone 2, they will be returning, and it’s sparked some concerns. 

Warzone players worried stims may still be OP in Warzone 2

With players bidding their farewells to Warzone ahead of the release of Warzone 2, they’ve been using it as a chance to look forward and hopefully encourage some changes – especially with Stims. 

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“Really hoping they change this. One of the worst parts of WZ is stupid ass gas plays. Gas should be fatal,” said one. “Pacifist shouldn’t be a legitimate, moreover easy, play style in a battle royale.”

Other players agreed. “I have not played Warzone now In weeks. I’m basically done with it because of all the major bulls**t that’s in this game. I want a nice clean reset for WZ2, and I hope and pray they have done a better job,” said one. “Bring on MW2 and WZ2 when some of this crap is finally gone,” added another.

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Another suggested that Warzone should follow the likes of Apex Legends where the damage dealt by the zone increases over time. “I’d quite like a system like Apex whereby the gas gets stronger after each zone collapses. So final circle gas is not to be f**ked with but in the early game you can get away with it a bit,” commented another.

The zones are being tweaked in Warzone 2, with a focus on counter-acting third-party fights, but who knows what will happen with the stims. Though, it’s clear there is a demand for change.

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