Warzone players killed through fake rocks that are totally useless cover

caldera rocksActivision

All is not as it seems in Warzone Pacific as some of Caldera’s rocks are actually posing as solid cover when in actual fact they are illusory obstructions that players can shoot through.

Some things in Warzone simply don’t make sense, but we just deal with them and move on. Ground loot weapons that can for some reason stun players, sure. Hackers still defying RICOCHET’s anti-cheat system to create Harry Potter-themed cars? Ok, we guess.

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But the map’s stationary, inanimate rocks that are supposed to be sturdy scenery turning out to be completely hollow? That’s a weird one. And yet, this is exactly what happened to one Warzone player who thought they’d taken up a good defensive position.

caldera map roadsActivision
Worringly, Caldera has a LOT of rocks.

Caldera’s rocks are questionable

Reddit user dknisle1 was making their way through the trees and land of Caldera when they suddenly came under fire. So they did what any Warzone player would do and sought cover behind the nearest form of protection.

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It just so happened to be a giant rock. They dove to prone to try and restore some order and make sense of the situation, only, it didn’t make sense at all.

Despite being well and truly behind cover, the player was still being subjected to an onslaught of enemy fire, and they were quickly gunned down in the space of a few seconds.

They posed the question in the title of their video “I need someone to explain this. A rock isn’t cover?” and the top comment by a country mile simply said to the user: “You just got Warzoned.”

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It seems there is no reasonable explanation other than the fact that some of the rocks in Warzone Pacific’s Caldera match are not as sturdy as they appear and are rocks in name only. So the next time you are running around Call of Duty’s tropical battle royale island, think twice about where you seek cover.