Warzone players furious as Season 1 Reloaded update ‘breaks’ game: “It’s time to quit”

Warzone gameplayActivision

The Warzone Season 1 Reloaded patch went live hours ago but fans of the CoD BR quickly noticed it wasn’t all good news. With the game currently all but ‘broken’, players are now threatening to quit in droves as frustration takes hold.

Like clockwork, the latest mid-season update for CoD’s ongoing titles just went live on January 17. Season 1 Reloaded was set to introduce all new content in Warzone, set Modern Warfare 3’s Ranked Mode live, and of course, rebalance the game after weeks of a few particular guns leading the meta.

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While it all sounded great on paper, with lengthy patch notes detailing dozens of tweaks across the board, it quickly became clear the update may have done more harm than good.

In a matter of hours, players reported all sorts of game-breaking issues, leading devs to rapidly shift gears. Various features were disabled on the spot while the likes of MW3 Ranked Play were hit with major delays. Now, the community has seemingly had enough and is threatening to quit en masse.

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“I’m sick of it,” one lengthy rant titled ‘It’s time for us to quit’ began on Reddit. “I’m sick of broken updates. This sh**y patch put me over the edge. It’s like no one running this sh**show has ever played the game.”

From Loadout Drops simply not functioning, to Create a Class outright refusing to work as intended, many have labeled Season 1 Reloaded as “the worst update” to a live service game they’ve “ever seen.”

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For some, it appears to have been the straw to break the camel’s back. “F*** this broken game, I’m out,” one player said. Though whether the hundreds in agreeance stick to their guns, is obviously up for debate.

“I never like the dramatic exit posts but this update really is bad,” another player chimed in. “It can’t be stated enough. The game barely even functions at the moment and the changes felt like they were dictated by a game of darts.”

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“Do they test updates?” another Warzone player questioned. “Do they even play their own game? Literally everything with the game is broken. Never seen anything like this.”

For now, devs appear to be scrambling to fix the most damaging issues, with frequent communication on the game’s social channels. Though for some, it may be too little too late.