Warzone players concerned the game has become too “sweaty” for casuals

Warzone character usingn futuristic gun on cliffActivision

The Warzone community is taking to social media to claim that the game has become too “sweaty” and has no place for casuals anymore.

Warzone has gone through a lot of changes over its life cycle, and part of that has been an increase in its competitive scene.

Being such a popular game for streamers and pro players, the game has naturally begun to gravitate towards having a more competitive culture.

However, some Warzone players believe it has gone too far and the game has now completely ruined the experience for casual players.

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Warzone players think the game is too “sweaty”

In a post to the Warzone subreddit, this concern was voiced by someone saying: “This game is no longer for casual players.”

They explain how a majority of the community seems to be sweaty players now, a term used to describe someone who is trying as hard as possible to win.

The poster laments how it used to feel like casual players could find a place in the game, but that is no longer the case.

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It seems the community is in agreement with them as well, with one of the top comments saying: “I’m a very casual player and this game is so sweaty it’s not enjoyable.”

A large contingent of these players believe that a big part of this is because most casual players stopped after lockdown ended.

“They think ‘Warzone, been there, done that’ and moved to other games. They won’t come back even if Verdansk came back.”

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However, not everyone has this same mindset when it comes to Warzone, with one player commenting:

“I get a win every few days in Duos or Trios. I get absolutely smoked and outplayed every so often… sometimes there might be a questionable kill cam… but at the end of the day it’s a game and it’s fun.”

There is no completely agreed-upon answer with this issue, and while some Warzone players feel it has changed for the worse, it’s clear that there are still plenty that think it’s completely fine.

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