Warzone fans reveal simple addition that’s guaranteed to “improve gameplay”


When it comes to playing Warzone, you need to make sure you’re stocked up with some top-notch equipment in-game. Now, players are claiming that the simple addition of a gaming monitor will ensure “drastic improvements” in gameplay as well.

To be the best in Warzone like Aydan, Tommey, or Biffle, it takes a lot of hard work and practice, but there could be some other elements to take you to the next level without putting in much work.

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A lot of casual gamers play on a television, but, that could be what’s holding them back from being great. All top Warzone players use a gaming monitor, and the community is claiming this simple upgrade in equipment could make or break how good you are.

Warzone players believe monitors are better than TVs

In a Reddit post, users plead with Warzone players using a TV to go out and purchase a monitor to shrink their field of view.

The OG author says that they used to play on a giant TV, but within three games of switching to the smaller screen, they were able to pick up a victory. With a monitor instead of a TV, they claim that it’s easier to keep track of enemies, and there’s “less confusion” as well.

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Other people joined in on the conversation, agreeing that a smaller screen is more beneficial. One person said, “I was around a 1.3 K/D when I played on a TV and within a couple of months of switching to a monitor I was around a 2 K/D.”

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Warzone players believe a monitor can make you better at the game.

Another Redditor added, “generally speaking going direct to a monitor better than a TV for input latency.” Much like TrueGameData explained on lower input lag, a monitor is better than a TV when it comes to this.

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With monitors you can get a higher refresh rate, which can allow for more frames to be shown and smoother quality of graphics. While it may not be a “cheap” addition to your gaming setup, players are swearing that it will make you a better player.