Warzone devs respond to glitch that lets players use Uzis in the Gulag


The Gulag is supposed to be Call of Duty: Warzone’s great equalizer, with both duelists equipped with the same health, gun, and equipment. A weird glitch has been disrupting that balance, but a fix is on the way.

They say not to bring a knife to a gunfight. That’s reasonable advice. What they don’t say is not to bring a shotgun to a shotgun fight, because you might just find an Uzi instead.

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When you die in Warzone, you head to one of the map’s three underground Gulags for a one-on-one duel with matching weaponry. But, of the game’s wide variety of guns, you’ll only be spawned with one of two types: shotgun or pistol.

Infinity Ward
Players can typically only draw upon a pistol or shotgun when thrown into the Gulag.


Unfortunately, a glitch has been popping up over the past few weeks in which players are able to find automatic guns on the floor of the Gulag — providing an instantaneous, unfair advantage.

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In the most recent example, Redditor ‘pizza-boys’ jumps into his dungeon battle and is surprised to find two typically ineligible guns: a sniper and an SMG. 

He quickly opts for the SMG, an Uzi in this instance, and shreds his unlucky foe.


There’s a reason that automatic weapons are preferred for most engagements in CoD, as they are versatile and have forgiving firing rates. Getting blessed with one in the Gulag is practically a cheat code and something Infinity Ward has been working to figure out and address.

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It appears that this glitch is the result of a player dying above and having their weapons glitch downward, falling into the lap of a duelist who is observant enough to notice them waiting on the ground. 

To add proof to this assumption, another Redditor, ‘ConspiracyKoala,’ found a player’s custom Kilo 141 assault rifle and MP7 after rotating to his (frankly unaware) opponent’s side of the map. 


You can’t obtain custom guns in Warzone without accessing your loadout, so this proves that the guns must have come from a player who died just above.

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As it stands, IW has noted this glitch on their Trello board and the fix is “in progress.” In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled in case Lady Luck decides to bestow an automatic weapon upon you.