Warzone devs put on blast for nerfing “OP” attachment everyone uses

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Call of Duty fans have hit out at the Warzone devs for nerfing the popular but “OP” JAK BFB muzzle in the Season 2 update as it takes the “fun” away. 

Like pretty much every multiplayer game these days, Warzone has had its fair share of broken or overpowered items and weapons. No one is forgetting the DMR meta anytime soon, for example. 

Whenever these overpowered weapons pop up, they can cause plenty of headaches for players as well as the devs. However, they can be pretty fun to use yourself, even if the devs spring into action quickly and take it away. 

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In recent weeks, Warzone players have been using the JAK BFB muzzle as a bit of a crutch attachment. The muzzle significantly reduced vertical recoil and gun kick, even though you’d appear on the enemy’s UAV in a similar way to an Advanced UAV. However, that appears to be changing. 

Warzone players annoyed by JAK BFB muzzle nerf

As a part of the Season 2 update, the devs decided to nerf the muzzle in a big way, decreasing the recoil benefits and also adding a substantial bullet velocity penalty. 

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“RIP JAK BFB. We hardly knew ye, said one annoyed player. “They’re great at taking anything fun and useful and making it obsolete. Over 40 muzzle attachments and less than 5 are worth using. Down goes another,” another added. “Basically killed it,” commented another. 

“Bullet velocity is already atrocious in MW3 and MW2 God damn LMFAO. How ‘bout they nerf its extremely OP benefits rather than ruining something that is already horrible in this game,” another argued. 

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Some fans are glad to see the muzzle being nerfed in such a big way, however. “It’s stats were extremely OP. Not surprised to say the least,” said one. 

As the muzzle has only just gone under the knife and been changed, it’s unlikely that the devs will reconsider anytime soon. So, you’ll have to change up those loadouts.