Warzone 2 squad blocked from detonating nuke thanks to absurd bug

Warzone 2 squad getting ready to drop into Al Mazrah.Activision

A group of Warzone 2 players was stopped from collecting their nuke thanks to a devastating bug.

Unleashing a nuke is one of the hardest feats a person can pull off in Warzone 2. Not only is it difficult to go on the win streak required to even unlock the challenge, but completing it while other players are stalking its progress is even more of a headache.

One team managed to put themselves in a great position to actually detonate the devastating device but an untimely bug cost them their chance at glory.

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Warzone 2 squad gets robbed of a nuke thanks to frustrating problem

The team in question went on a 5-game streak and had completed the entire challenge. All that was left to do was arm the nuke and defend it for two minutes to collect their Champion’s Domination victory.

It was all shaping up until the nuke refused to arm thanks to spawning inside the metal frame of a billboard. In the clip embedded below, latifyay stands on top of the bomb for much longer than necessary to ensure that it’s bugged but even the extra effort didn’t help.

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This drew the ire of many fans who used the clip to vent their frustrations over the state of the game, with comments ranging from jokes about “playing it more tactically” to one player comparing the experience to that of a pre-alpha test.

“Wooo! Incredible game! No problems!” one commenter sarcastically cheered.

This is far from the first major bug discovered in Warzone 2 but given how much effort goes into the nuclear challenge, it’s certainly one that players will expect to be fixed sooner than later.

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