Shroud reveals the problem with Dr Disrespect’s Modern Warfare 2v2 map

Shroud / Dr Disrespect, GFUEL

Michael ‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare map a closer look since the streamer revealed his original plans online and he might well have found a design flaw already. 

The Doc posted first-look images of his unique 2v2 setting on October 10, as part of the viral Blocktober event where players have been sharing their idea of ideal maps for all of their favorite games. 

With the release date beckoning, on October 25, it should come as no surprise to see the former CoD map designer pick Modern Warfare as the game of choice when sculpting his own map. 

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Dr Disrespect, TwitterHere’s just one angle of Dr Disrespect’s Blocktober 2v2 map for Modern Warfare.

With that being said, it might well be a “subtle blend of violence and speed” as the Two-Time stated in his original tweets about the map, but not everybody is going to love every inch of it. In fact, shroud has already found a potential flaw. 

  • Read More: CS:GO pro player dedicated a huge chunk of the live stream to his fellow streamer’s plans – looking at its initial design, layout, and more. 

    “I mean, s**t, I like the idea of it. I like where it’s going. I think one thing that is unnecessary, it’s like really simple how it should be,” he said before pulling up the potential problem area on screen. 

    Shroud added: “You’re looking at it here. This is your mid, you have your left lane and you have your right lane. One thing that I think is unnecessary is these elevator things. These big doorways.”

    This layout feature of the map alone – having two flanks – caused some confusion for the streamer, which he said could feel “awkward” in-game. However, this isn’t just his criticism of just Dr Disrespect’s map, but rather his preference of how a 2v2 map should be laid out – which he explained soon after.

    “When it comes to 2v2, I don’t think 2v2 maps should ever have a true flank. I think 2v2 is simply just play your angles and win your fights,” he added. “Then again, I’m used to Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike works very well because the aiming in Counter-Strike is very, very different.

    “Maybe 2v2s in a game like CoD, where aim isn’t a huge factor and it’s more just positioning, maybe there should be flanks.”

    On the whole, shroud seemed pretty impressed by Doc’s map, but did find some minor issues that could be leveled out with further development. A greater exploration of the map layout can be seen below. 

    Even with the lanes that shroud isn’t a great fan of, would he be able to take down the Doc on his own map? 

    Whether or not the two will ever have the chance to take each other on inside the custom map remains to be seen, but fans – for sure – would like to see something like that come to fruition.