Shroud explains why Modern Warfare needs a battle royale mode

L: shroud (Twitch)/R: Infinity Ward (Activision)

Twitch phenom Michael ‘shroudGrzeciek has explained why he thinks the upcoming Modern Warfare ‘needs’ a battle royale mode if it is to have longevity.

The first-person shooter (FPS) genre is not in the same place that Infinity Ward left it three years ago, with their 2016 release of Infinite Warfare.

An emergence of battle royale (BR) games has revolutionized the genre, with Treyarch becoming the first developer to lead the Call of Duty franchise into unknown territory with ‘Blackout’, that shipped with Black Ops 4.

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Treyarch (Activision)Blackout was Call of Duty’s first venture into the battle royale genre.

The Blackout mode was a big hit with Twitch streamers and pros alike, but so far, Infinity Ward are yet to confirm whether they will have their own take on the mode in their new title.

However, fans have been given a glimmer of hope, when a line of code slipped through the cracks, hinting at its potential inclusion in Modern Warfare.

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Shroud has historically favored BR games, even praising Treyarch’s endeavors following his initial concerns over Blackout. Now, after playing the multiplayer beta for the new game, he has expressed the need for the mode to be brought back in some capacity.

When initially asked “Do you think it’s worth getting? Will it last?”, Grzeciek promptly responded with: “Not without a BR.”

He went on to add: “Straight up, this game needs a BR — and I don’t know if they’re doing one.”

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Discussing the inclusion of standard 6v6 game modes, the 25-year-old explained: “These game modes only last for so long; FPS needs BR nowadays” before going on to explain that the latest iteration to the franchise is “very unique in comparison to other CoDs.”

There has been speculation surrounding whether or not Modern Warfare will release with a BR game mode on release, with reports suggesting that the game mode will come post–release in early 2020, as a free-to-play game with an entirely separate installation.

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Moreover, the inclusion of large maps to facilitate the new 32v32 game mode, alongside the introduction of projectile drop and bullet travel (as opposed to the more basic hitscan detection system) adds to the flock of people hypothesizing if/when the the developers will add the popular game mode.

Given the success that Blackout has brought over the past year, Infinity Ward will likely have their finger on the pulse and be hot on the heels of their developer counterparts.

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