Shroud and Lirik Think Blackout Will Create Longevity for Black Ops 4 on PC

The new ‘Blackout’ mode coming with Black Ops 4 is Call of Duty’s first foray into the battle royale genre – something which top streamers Shroud and Lirik believe could give CoD the place in the PC market it has been missing.

Since the early days of CoD 4 Promod on PC, Call of Duty titles have been notoriously quick to lose their player base on PC after launch, despite the console equivalents dominating for the better part of a decade.

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Much of this comes down to the gameplay itself being somewhat unsuited to PC, but also the developers’ lack of support for PC versions.

This year, main CoD developer Treyarch enlisted Beenox studios, and the help of the Overwatch design team to make the best possible PC experience for Black Ops 4.

the multiplayer PC beta went over well with most players, with more customization possible for PC players, and a more optimized game overall. 

But shroud and Lirik, two of the most popular streamers and top PC players – shroud was formerly a professional CS:GO player – think it will be the Blackout mode particular will be what BO4 needs to be a success on PC.

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“This CoD’s not going to die on PC, just because of this game mode.”

Shroud explains that because viewers on Twitch will want to watch the game on PC, streamers like himself and others will be playing exclusively with keyboard and mouse, maintaining and promoting high player base for the PC version.

While Call of Duty remains a console staple, it may well have found it’s way back to the hearts of PC players too with Blackout.

The PC beta for Blackout will begin on September 14, lasting until Monday 17, giving shroud, Lirik and every other PC player and streamer an opportunity to help Treyarch and Beenox refine the mode before launch, on October 12.

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