Scump claims new Modern Warfare 3 Field Upgrade will be insta-ban for pros

Scump and Operator in Modern Warfare 3 with MW3 red logoActivision/Twitch: Scump

There’s a new Field Upgrade coming in Modern Warfare 3 that could massively change how people play the game — but Call of Duty legend Seth ‘Scump’ Abner has said that it’s already going to be banned by pros before the game even comes out.

Modern Warfare 3 has received a ton of positive feedback since the reveal event on August 17, with Call of Duty players seriously excited at the prospect of all of the classic MW2 (2009) maps returning as well as a number of major changes to TTK, not to mention the Zombies and Campaign modes.

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Despite this, there are some small features or aspects that have left players raising their eyebrows. For example, many are interested in seeing the new ‘Tac Stance’ movement style in action, with many unsure of what exactly it entails.

A major change that could work great in public matches however, is the new A.C.S. Field Upgrade — but Scump already has concerns about it in pro and ranked play.

A.C.S. Field Upgrade “already GA’d”

According to Scump, the new Field Upgrade is instantly going to be added to the list of Gentlemen’s Agreements for players to not use in Modern Warfare 3.

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“They got something you can throw on the objective and it plays the OBJ for you?” he asked during his August 17 Twitch stream. “That’s getting GA’d day one! You kidding me?!”

As JGOD explained in the video Scump was reacting to, the A.C.S. can be thrown onto an objective to capture points, leaving the user to continue traversing the map and slaying out.

There are often a number of things that are auto-banned by pros from competitive play at the start of the year, and Scump — as well as much of the competitive community — thinks that the Call of Duty League pros will be waving goodbye to the A.C.S. before they even see it in action.

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Of course, things could change and they might opt to try out the A.C.S., though that seems unlikely given the nature of the Field Upgrade. For now, though, the competitive landscape for MW3 isn’t too clear.