OpTic’s CouRage reveals why he left casting Call of Duty to stream full-time

OpTic Gaming streamer Jack ‘CouRage’ Dunlop opened up on Hector ‘H3CZ’ Rodriguez’s ‘The Eavesdrop Podcast’ about some of the major reasons why he decided to stop casting Call of Duty and switch to streaming full-time. 

CouRage was one of Call of Duty’s most prolific voices when he decided to step away from the scene to become a full-time streamer in early 2018.

Looking back on his career as a caster on H3CZ’s new podcast, CouRage talked in-depth about the long thought process that eventually led to him making the jump to stream full time.

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As CouRage was recounting his career up to this point, he talked about how he came to the realization that he wanted to stream full-time.

“I need to try to go full-time at some point with this. When the time comes,” CouRage recalled. “That always was in the back of my head festering, from 2016 all the way to way I finally made the jump earlier this year.”

Before making that jump, CouRage continued casting and ended up rising the ranks to be part of the top casting duo along with Clint ‘Maven’ Evans. It was during the early stages of the WWII season when his outlook on casting began to change, though.

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“The CoD: WWII season was just stupidly long,” CouRage said about the last season of the CWL. “The second week, I sat with my partner and was like, ‘I’m about to do this for the next six months and I’m already sick of Ardennes Forest CTF and I have to see that 150,000 more times.”

Soon after CouRage came to this realization about the WWII season which ran from December 2017 to August 2018, he received a follow-up call from OpTic about becoming a full-time streamer for the organization.

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Since CouRage and OpTic had already been in talks prior to this conversation, the offer from OpTic was good enough for CouRage to step away from the CWL and start streaming full-time.

The move has been a very profitable and successful one for CouRage as he has risen the ranks as a popular streamer, even getting a $70K donation for winning a game of Fortnite on stream.

Even though he’s stepped away from the casting desk at the CWL, he’s found his way back to Call of Duty with his recent second-place finish during Dr Disrespect’s Code Red Tournament.

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You can watch the full latest episode of ‘The Eavesdrop Podcast’ featuring CouRage and H3CZ below.

Full disclosure: OpTic CEO Hector ‘H3CZ’ Rodriguez is a minority shareholder in Dexerto Ltd