Nadeshot gives up Twitch partnership so he can co-stream CDL matches

Nadeshot Twitch partnership CDL YouTube streamInstagram: LA Thieves / Twitch / YouTube

100 Thieves CEO Matthew ‘Nadeshot’ Haag has announced that he voluntarily gave up his Twitch partnership in order to co-stream Call of Duty League matches on YouTube.

In a rather unprecedented move, Nadeshot has willingly revoked his partnership status on Twitch. Five years since his groundbreaking return to the platform after streaming on, Nadeshot no longer has a purple tick next to his name.

The reason behind this decision is to allow for CDL co-streams, with the LA Thieves owner broadcasting live on YouTube, as opposed to Twitch. With all CDL matches tied down to an exclusive YouTube deal, no one is allowed to rebroadcast footage on a rival platform.

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However, instead of jumping ship, Nadeshot has figured out how to get the best of both worlds; by stepping down to Affiliate level, he will be able to co-stream CDL games on YouTube while continuing gaming streams on Twitch.

Nadeshot LA ThievesLA Thieves
Nadeshot has given up his Twitch partnership to co-stream CDL games on YouTube.

Upon agreeing to partnership terms on Twitch, streamers enter an exclusive agreement with the platform. As part of the deal, those with purple ticks must remain on Twitch and Twitch alone. Therefore, up until now, Nadeshot hasn’t been able to engage with the CDL during live broadcasts.

By removing his Partner status, he can safely flip back and forth between Twitch and YouTube. There will be no repercussions outside of losing Partner benefits like channel customization and a certain chunk of advertising revenue.

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“I might be bouncing around from Twitch and YouTube occasionally,” Nade said during a May 17 broadcast. “I’m not gonna be a Partner anymore, just an Affiliate.”

“I think it works out really well because I’ll hopefully be able to co-stream Call of Duty matches that LA Thieves have. I’m not really changing much, I’m not leaving Twitch, just being an Affiliate gives me a little bit of freedom on where I can stream and where I can’t.”

There’s no telling exactly when Nadeshot’s first CDL co-stream will be announced. Though his partnership on Twitch has already been rolled back, so there’s a chance we see co-streams right away as Stage 4 kicks off in the coming weeks.

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Recently co-streams have led to enormous boosts in viewership for a number of titles. Valorant specifically has benefited greatly from the likes of Ninja and Shroud rebroadcasting NA’s biggest matches.

Evidently, Nadeshot is confident his co-streams will be “really good for Call of Duty” as well. Being one of the biggest stars in the scene’s history, viewership is sure to rise on YouTube as fans join the Thieves owner to watch games.