Modern Warfare 3 players convinced powerful Tyr revolver is bugged

mw3 tyrActivision Blizzard

Footage of several missed shots at close range has some MW3 players thinking the Tyr revolver is glitched.

On its own, Modern Warfare 3’s Tyr revolver packs quite the punch. Adding a certain attachment, however, can transform the weapon into something rivaling a shotgun.

The attachment in question is the 12.7x55mm Snake Shot ammo type, which players can gain access to through Armory Unlocks. Combining Tyr with Snake Shot decreases the revolver’s effective range, yet close-up shots prove incredibly devastating. At least that’s what players thought.

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One Modern Warfare 3 fan recently discovered that sometimes the otherwise formidable weapon hardly leaves a dent.

MW3 gameplay upset convinces players the Tyr revolver is bugged

In a recent Reddit post, OJHogger shared gameplay footage of a frustrating MW3 moment that made them “go to bed early.” The video shows the player firing shots with Tyr at point-blank range. Their target? An enemy mere feet away climbing a ladder.

The foe takes three shots to the back, none of which appear to affect their health in any noticeable way. Unfortunately, the Redditor then switches to a shotgun and is soon killed after missing a couple of shots.

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Several MW3 players flocked to the comments to say they believe Tyr might be glitched. One user noted, “I swear those revolvers are bugged, I’ll have my crosshair perfectly lined up with my target and still won’t get a hit marker sometimes.”

Interestingly, someone else argued an unknown nerf could impact Tyr shots under certain circumstances. They explained, “I honestly believe the Tyr loses effectiveness to nerf you after a winning streak. It starts shooting rubber bullets.”

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Others pointed out that the ladder could’ve been to blame in this scenario. Meanwhile, one Redditor posited that Snake Shot could be the culprit. The user wrote, “the snakeshot round is so inconsistent that you have to get really close for it to registered/hitmaker. Even closer than the clip you show.”

Whatever the case, this suggests that even the most supposedly overpowered builds have their share of limitations.