MW3 players want killstreak feature from original game to combat SBMM

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Modern Warfare 3 players have called for the Call of Duty devs to bring back a killstreak option from the original MW3 in a bid to fight against SBMM in the new game. 

It’s been almost two weeks since Modern Warfare 3 (2023) was released onto the gaming world, and it’s already won plenty of praise from Call of Duty fans – both new and old. Though, it’s not entirely smooth sailing.

There have been a number of complaints, too, about different aspects of the game. Many have complained about the campaign being too short, while multiplayer fans are still aggrieved by skill-based matchmaking – SBMM – as they believe it’s not properly tuned in the new game. 

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Players have been looking for different ways to combat SBMM in a bid to make things a little more fun. However, taking games off and not playing properly – which many are doing – can ruin the experience for everyone. 

Modern Warfare 3 players want original MW3 support streaks back

With the devs engaging the community through AMAs and listening to their complaints, some players have been putting forward suggestions to try and balance things out.

One of those, which has won a bit of support from CoD fans, is bringing back support streaks from MW3. Redditor TheBrownGlokage put the idea out there but with the twist this time around being that it would only contain “non-lethal” streaks like UAV, Advanced UAV, and so on. 

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“It would make sense with SBMM since ppl are barely getting killstreaks lol,” agreed one player. “If they made them all 100% non-lethal, of course. If they snuck in choppers and bombers again, no,” said another. “I miss them,” another commented. 

Some argued that score streaks like this “takes the fun and challenge away from getting them” and would rather things stay the same. 

It’s unlikely that the devs would implement such a big change to things, especially with the game being out for less than two weeks. Though, who knows what they could do later down the line.

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