MW3 players want fan-favorite mode return as devs are open to it

Call of Duty characters preparing to open door with MW3 logoActivision

Modern Warfare 3 players want Cyber Attack to make a return to the game as the devs have left the door just so slightly ajar for a potential return. 

When it comes to diving into Call of Duty multiplayer, there are plenty of standard modes that have stood the test of time. Team Deathmatch, Search and Destroy, Domination, and Capture The Flag all, typically, dominate the 

Over the years, we’ve seen new modes added to the mix. Hardpoint has become a staple since its debut in Black Ops 2, similarly, Control has continued to pop up in games ever since it was first added back in Black Ops 4. 

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Some modes, however, are left on the cutting room floor after being used in a game or two. Cyber Attack, which featured in Modern Warfare (2019) and Modern Warfare 2 (2022), is one such mode but fans are hoping to get it back. 

MW3 players want Cyber Attack to return

A call to get Cyber Attack back has been prompted after the devs left the door ever so slightly open with regards to it making a return. 

“Cyberattack is not currently in our seasonal plans, but if there is strong interest, please let us know. We are always willing to explore fan-favorite modes!” Sledgehammer said in their November 20 AMA, prompting fans of the Search and Rescue-esque mode to get a little excited. 

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“For a bunch of us, Cyber Attack is THE reason we play cod. It’s not just another mode,” said one. “yes I love this mode, don’t understand why it’s not in the game,” added another. 

“I played MW2019 up until MW2022 release solely because of Hardcore Cyber Attack. All the games in between didn’t have it, so I just kept playing MW. That was the game mode that my whole squad played,” another longtime fan commented.

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As the devs noted, it’ll take a bit of groundswell support to get the mode back into their thinking, but it appears players have heeded that message already.