MW3 players continue to beg devs to get rid of annoying animation

MW3 players baffled by game lacking Prestige levels at launchActivision

Modern Warfare 3 players are pleading for the devs to remove the “annoying” weapon animation that is causing them to die in-game.

Since Modern Warfare 3’s release, players have requested a ton of changes and features to be added to the popular first-person shooter

Recently, fans have been growing frustrated over the game’s gun cocking animation that plays when you respawn, where on December 19 many demanded that the devs remove the feature in its entirety.

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They explained that on smaller maps such as Rust and Shipment, it’s too easy to be caught out by enemies during the animation. Now, players are pleading for the devs to get rid of the annoying animation once and for all.

MW3 demand devs get rid of gun cocking animation

In a December 23 Reddit post, one Modern Warfare 3 player brought up the issue of the gun cocking animation once again, pleading for it to be removed from the game.

“The amount of times I have died when stuck in the gun cock animation is ridiculous,” they explained. “It doesn’t help that the spawn system is so unbelievably sh*t that you spawn in the crosshairs of an enemy.”

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They added: “Get rid of it.”

In the replies to the thread, several hit out at the animation, while others took issue with its unfair inconsistency. “It only needs to happen at the beginning of the match not every single spawn it’s crazy,” said one.

“It’s idiotic and shouldn’t be a thing, only at the start of the match when you rope down from the chopper,” wrote another.

“Yes this inconsistency is bullsh*t too. It means for some, it is happening, but not for others. and that just ain’t fair,” said a third.

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While certainly frustrating, according to some players there is a solution. Quickly double-tapping ‘Y’ or ‘Triangle’ on your controller can completely stop the animation. Although still, players are baffled as to why the animation players every time you spawn.

Regardless, we’ll just have to wait and see whether or not the devs respond to the demands from the community.