MW3 players claim rampant server issues are ruining the game

A screenshot from the game Modern Warfare 3Activision

Modern Warfare 3 has been suffering from multiple issues ever since its release. However, one issue that players cannot tolerate three months after the launch of the game are the various server issues that are ruining their experience.

Modern Warfare 3 is quite possibly one of the most frustrating Call of Duty games in a long while. Several players have complained about how the game feels terrible and incomplete. The rushed development process has led to the community being disappointed and that is continuing even today.

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As it happens, players have been complaining very recently that several server issues are ruining their experience. They claim that shooting guns feels horrible as bullets do not register but enemies can defeat you very fast due to server desync issues.

A screenshot from the game Modern Warfare 3Activision
Modern Warfare 3 players unhappy with server issues

MW3 players are frustrated over server issues that are ruining their experience

The discussion surrounding this issue was started by a Reddit user named Doofensanshmirtz. The user commented, “everytime, like EVERY SINGLE TIME i get into a gunfight i always die no matter what, its so f***** annoying and stressing and its pissing me off.” They continued, “WHY IS EVERYONE IN THIS GAME AN EXACT CLONE OF F****** SUPERMAN, EVEN WITH SNIPERS, I SHOOT MFS IN THE HEAD AND WOW, A F****** HITMARKER.”

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Other players joined the conversation and a lot of them believed the same. One such user mentioned, “I’ve been having the same issues. I shot someone first, empty half of the mag in them, and then they just turn around, shoot me 4-5 times and I’m dead” Another user chimed in, “I get it… the de-sync is really bad (worse than I’ve seen it for a while) so it looks like the other player is only getting one shot off on you while you unload a whole mag and still die.”

Another player claimed, “Most of the time I’m not mad at losing gunfights. I do get pissed when someone lobs a grenade at me and I have time to run far away, still get blown up.” Finally, a player commented, “I’ve been having this same issue. I feel like I’m pumping heavy machine gun bullets into a guy. Like 30 rounds & I die quickly from 5 hits. Idk wtf be happening.”

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Therefore, it is safe to say everyone is annoyed about this problem. Activision has not made any comments yet, but we will update you with information once it becomes available.