MW3 casuals frustrated with ‘G-Fuel snorting’ movement players

MW3 g-fuel movementReddit: Such-Try-3467

Players are beginning to question the movement in MW3 after a clip surfaces on Reddit of a player quickly moving around the map.

Movement in Call of Duty has always been the topic of discussion, especially when it comes to the release of new titles. Modern Warfare 3 is no exception to this rule as players are already beginning to work around the new sliding mechanics put in place by Sledgehammer Games.

The sliding animation and slide-to-sprint speed have already been updated twice since the beta launched on October 6. The most recent update was shortening the delay between when the player behind a slide to when the player begins sprinting again.

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However, the movement shown in this latest Reddit clip is something completely different. Instead of just using sliding, the user is also continuously moving their weapon, making some wonder where the basics of Call of Duty went.

Redditors joke about jittery players as movement takes over MW3

The Reddit thread was originally titled ‘How much gfuel you think this guy had’ before linking a clip of how they died below. The clip starts with the poster attempting to win a gunfight against someone moving extremely fast with no success. It’s when the death cam footage is revealed that people begin to harp on the player’s excessive movement.

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A couple of people made jokes about the clip, saying that the player was ‘snorting G-Fuel’ or taking ‘lines after every kill’ to stay in the zone. While these comments make light of the clip, others shared the opinions on just how ridiculous movement has become in latest Call of Duty titles.

“I don’t know when it happened, but at some point skill stopped being about aim and positioning and became about how spastic you can move in a gunfight,” said one user. “I hate that the devs catered to the people who whined about movement and skill gaps. It just looks ridiculous.”

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MW3 is still in its early stages of the beta with the game not hitting the shelves for another month. Sledgehammer has already shown that they are willing to listen to the community and could consider movement before the game is released in November.