MW3 player kills himself with breacher drone thanks to hilarious “CoD timing”

mw3 breacher droneActivision Blizzard

An MW3 player was killed by their own breacher drone due to a terrible spawn point and classic “CoD timing.”

A new lethal equipment item, Modern Warfare 3’s breacher drone managed to quickly gain favor among Call of Duty fans, though some argue it needs a nerf.

The lethal works such that activating it will deploy a drone that flies in whichever the player previously aimed in. From there, the drone’s proximity-based capabilities take charge, exploding whatever or whomever it comes into contact with next.

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It’s no joke as a dealer of heavy damage, which players typically love. However, one unfortunate user recently learned why the breacher drone should probably come with a warning.

MW3 player is accidentally killed by their breacher drone

Reddit user cwhack shared gameplay footage of their recent misfortune while playing Modern Warfare 3. The short video shows the player deploying a breacher drone before getting gunned down by an enemy. It’s probably a common occurrence.

Hopefully, what happens next doesn’t transpire too often for others in MW3. As soon as the Redditor respawns, they land right in the path of their recently activated drone. They die yet again, this time by their own hand.

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The unfortunate cross-map self-own earned plenty of laughs in the Reddit thread. One person commented, “I’ve seen this type of clip 3 times and it never gets any less funny.” Someone else noted, “That’s just CoD timing with extra steps.”

Others said they’ve similarly faced a horrible fate because of Modern Warfare 3’s troublesome spawn points. One user admitted, “I have cross map shock sticked myself way more than I care for.”

“Cod sure loves turning your freshly thrown explosives into spawn points,” said someone else pointing out the ongoing flaw.

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Players should take this as a warning to be more mindful of their surroundings before activating the high-powered drone.