Modern Warfare fail shows why automated callouts need to be removed

New mechanics in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare changed the multiplayer experience for a lot of players, but features like the automated callouts have been more hurtful than helpful.

There’s been a ton of community feedback about the new, slower approach to combat in Modern Warfare, which hasn’t been in a CoD title for quite some time. While players adjust to the new pace of the title, they’ve been taken by surprise from strange features in MW.

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With slower gameplay comes more chances to catch players by surprise, as some people opt to run around the map to push advantages – that is, until the game betrays you in the most bizarre way possible.

Great callout, terrible timing

That’s the predicament Reddit user ‘CrosVs’ found themselves in when they were waiting for the opportune moment to strike when the game ultimately revealed their location to the other team.

“The callouts are very counterintuitive and make no sense most of the time,” they said. “In this clip, for example, there’s no ally even near me, and my character likes to mention to the enemy that I do indeed see movement.”

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As one opponent had bypassed their location, another enemy came into sight down the way, which might have triggered one of the in-game automated callouts: “I see movement.”

The main problem with these callouts are that both teams can hear them. Which in turn, means that anyone near the callout is capable of hearing the triggered response.

Since the in-game mechanic was able to tip off the foe, they quickly turned around to take out the covert player.

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While the callout’s timing was terrible for the player, all is not without hope. Infinity Ward also feels like this probably isn’t the right direction for automated callouts, since it can obviously hinder the game.

Infinity Ward’s Co-Design Director of Multiplayer Joe Cecot already said that the dev team are exploring ways to negate this from happening by preventing “enemies from hearing call-outs in all modes.”

Although it’s unknown when that update should take effect, that should put an end for unfortunate eliminations at the hands of automated callouts.

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