Modern Warfare CDL ruleset stops working days before launch event

MLG / Activision

Due to a patch released on January 22 – just two days before the launch of the Call of Duty League – it appears the CDL ruleset in-game isn’t working properly.

The event is the first in what is to be a multi-hundred million dollar investment, but it may be getting off to a rocky start if they can’t come up with a solution to the issues the January 22 update has raised.

After making a number of significant changes – including “clamping down” on the headshot multiplier, changes to flag capturing in Domination and the Dead Silence field upgrade – it appears players may not be able to use any of it after all.

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Domination has historically been a fan-favorite for Call of Duty players, but it’s facing some issues ahead of CDL Launch Weekend.

After Chris ‘Parasite’ Duarte reached out to the devs on Twitter to explain that “the multiplier for multiple players capturing an objective isn’t working still,” Michael ‘Spacely’ Schmale added on to the tweet with his own issue, suggesting the patch is causing more struggles than initially thought.

He says that “if we have to set up the rules manually and not play ‘CDL Domination’ like we just tried, the headshot multiplier comes back along with the pre-patch dead silence.”

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This means that whether they set it up themselves or play on the new patch, they will be playing “two completely different games” regardless.

Parasite and Spacely weren’t the only players to express their disappointment or ask questions about the patch. Peirce ‘Gunless’ Hillman of the Chicago Huntsmen simply said “$300m league and we are playing on a patch that we haven’t played a second of for the start of the CDL.”

Meanwhile, Dallas Empire’s James ‘Clayster’ Eubanks took a different outlook, saying that “if you’ve paid attention to the history this happens over 50% of the events.” He went on to say that CoD is about adapting so “here’s to the team that can adapt the best!”

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At the time of writing, developers have not responded to Parasite’s original tweet or mentioned any intended fixes for CDL rulesets on the new patch. It seems most likely that the teams in Minnesota will simply play on the new patch and have to overlook the issues with capturing the Domination flag for now.

Regardless, it’s likely that fans will be excited to see top-level gameplay when the event kicks off on January 24. After a few months since the last major Call of Duty event, it’s likely viewers will just be happy to have Call of Duty esports back on their screens.

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