Modern Warfare 3 streamer destroyed in SBMM Rust bloodbath

modern warfare 3 rustActivision

A streamer got mowed down in a battle on Modern Warfare 3’s Rust map, as SBMM worked against him at every turn.

Skill-based matchmaking remains a contentious topic for players who spend lots of time in multiplayer titles. The system works to ensure players do battle against those of a similar skill level. In theory, this sounds like a dream come true.

However, lower-skill and higher-skill players often end up mismatched, making for disappointing experiences. Call of Duty sits at the center of such conversations, with many players wishing SBMM would’ve been removed ahead of MW3’s release.

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One streamer may lead the charge in this regard, especially after repeat failures in a single match.

Modern Warfare 3 streamer didn’t stand a chance on Rust map

Twitch streamer Myden has shared footage of their own destruction during an MW3 match on Rust. Based on the video’s caption – “the SBMM final boss” – their woes are thanks in no small part to skill-based matchmaking.

For one minute straight, the streamer’s character gets killed every few seconds. He’ll spawn in, barely get a sense of his surroundings, and then instantly succumb to enemy fire.

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Other users in the Twitter thread felt the streamer’s pain, with one person saying this clip takes them “back to 2009 spawntraps.”

Another person mentioned running into the same issue in MW3. “The fact that this happens to other people besides me, I’m sure it’s a COD AI team that joins people lobby and sh**s on [people’s] KD to keep order.”

Whatever’s going on in the clip above, it’s clear skill-based matchmaking isn’t gaining any new fans among the Call of Duty community.

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