Modern Warfare 3 devs temporarily remove Hardpoint maps amid spawn issues

Modern Warfare 3 finishing moveActivision

Modern Warfare 3 temporarily removed Quarry, Rundown, and Scrapyard from Hardpoint to fix “unfavorable” spawns.

After playing the Modern Warfare 3 beta, former and current COD pros slammed the game’s spawns as the “worst ever” in series history. Spawn issues hit Domination especially hard as community members exposed an issue, that spawned players on an enemy flag or randomly in the middle or side of the map.

Spawn-related errors also extended to other objective-based game modes, as players spawned in advantageous places, removing any skill. As a result, Sledgehammer Games asked fans for video clips showing bad spawns.

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The devs then used that evidence as part of the Day 1 update and added spawn anchors to maps to positively influence the flow of matches. Unfortunately, the changes didn’t appear to do enough, as more spawn issues forced urgent action again.

Quarry, Rundown, and Scrapyard temporarily removed from Modern Warfare 3

On November 9, Call of Duty announced: “Quarry, Rundown, and Scrapyard have been temporarily removed from Hardpoint playlists while we investigate an issue causing unfavorable spawns.”

Modern Warfare 3 content creator Nixstah posted a clip, showing the entire enemy team and even some of his own teammates spawn right in front of him.

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The spawn issues resulted in an absolutely chaotic sequence, and that’s exactly what the devs plan on investigating.

Call of Duty did not provide a specific timeline for when fans can expect a fix. But players can track the investigation process on MW3’s official Trello board.

It’s also unclear what other spawn problems still need ironing out. All will become clearer as everyone gets more comfortable during the first few days of the game. But we will provide an update when new information surfaces. For more, make sure to check out the rest of our Modern Warfare 3 coverage.

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