Luminosity fall to shocking upset sweep at CWL Championship 2019


Pro Call of Duty team Luminosity Gaming found themselves at the wrong end of an upset sweep in the first match of Pool Play at CWL Championship 2019.

Luminosity came into CWL Champs following a recent resurgence to their season, including a 5-6th place finish at the Pro League Playoffs at CWL Finals after having to qualify via the Play-In tournament.

However, that is all under danger of going to waste after the star-studded squad was stunningly demolished at the hands of amateur European side Team Singularity, who qualified for Champs after finishing in the top six of last month’s Amateur Finals.

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The match finished 3-0 in favor of Singularity, who were very convincing in their victories on all three maps, making it seem as though they were the pro team casting aside their amateur challengers.

Having no one on their roster with any experience at the upper levels of professional Call of Duty, the squad was still able to handle their prolific opponents quite easily.

MLGThe margin for error is now very low for Luminosity Gaming at CoD Champs.

The series kicked off with a pretty one-sided Hardpoint on Arsenal, as Singularity took the map 250-157, foreshadowing LG’s eventual fate.

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Their lead was doubled following a 6-4 win on Payload Search & Destroy, putting them in prime position for a sweep that virtually no one could have predicted coming in.

Fast forward to map three, the Europeans held a 2-1 lead on Frequency Control, but LG looked destined to at least force a deciding round five, after gaining a significant life advantage off the rip.

However, the lead in lives began dwindling down, and thanks to a combination of strong gunskill and excellent usage of streaks and Specialists, Singularity were able to capture both zones and steal the round for the series victory. 

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The result has put LG in a very dangerous position going into the second day of Group Play. While losing a match isn’t the end of the world, failing to take a single map could prove to be fatal if tiebreakers end up coming in to play.

With matches against UYU and Vanity looming, the squad knows they have very little margin for error if they are to advance to bracket play.

As for Singularity, they find themselves in a position they probably would not have foreseen, and the result could end up being good enough to push them into the Knockout Stage. 

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